


  法国里尔第二大学全称法国里尔第二大学Universite Lille 2 Droit et Sante也有人叫,成立于1562,是一所规模巨大(30000人以上)的公立研究型综合大学

  The Université Lille II is a French university for health, sports, management and law. It is located in Lille, Campus Lille II Droit Santé (Université Lille Nord de France)University of Lille II inherits from the Faculty of Law established as the Université de Douai in 1562. Today, sciences and technologies are taught in an independent campus of Université de Lille I - USTL, while literature and social sciences are taught as part of the independent campus of Université de Lille III - Charles de Gaulle. Altogether, the universities of Lille include more than 90,000 students and are the core parts of the European Doctoral College Lille-Nord-Pas de Calais that includes 3,000 PhD Doctorate students supported by university research laboratories.Since 1970, the main campus of University de Lille II in situated in Ronchin, in the southern part of Lille.


  法国里尔第二大学位于法国地区市。属于, 学校地处大都会。

  3、院校官网或官方网站: www.univ-lille2.fr
